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The Debt Industry

The first and only proper solution is to speak to the company you owe money to, they will help, this will not affect your credit rating and it will give you the time to get over your issues and give you time to pay.


They will want to know what the issue is, and you can only be honest but if it is anything to do with mental health they are guaranteed to assist.


They will want to see what you can afford so you will be required to fill in an income and expenditure form, we will attach one on this site for you to use, fill this in the best you can, and you will get self-assistance if you use Step changes website, but you do not need to use them, remember this is self-help!


Once you have done this you will see if you have any spare cash, let’s say the amount is £50.00 you divide this to all the creditors pro rata, but you must be honest with each creditor as they need to know.


Generally, this is accepted, and you can relax for at least 6 months, after that time if your situation does improve, then so should your offer till you get back to a normal position.


Try this as it does work!


If you can not do this due to health reasons then simply get a friend or someone you trust to do it for you, this can be done with creditor permission and again is not difficult.


National Law Limited exists simply to help you find your way out of financial difficulty and back to your 'real' life. 


You probably came to us as a result of being offered a way out of debt, by entering into an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA). I can imagine the scenario... fear causes you to reach out for the first helping hand that's offered and, invariably, that's someone from a company that says they can help make your horrible circumstances disappear. Am I right? 


That 'sympathetic' person works for a company that has snuggled up directly with an insolvency practice, and is paid seriously large amounts of money to introduce people in situations such as yours. These people are collectively known as 'introducers', and sickeningly, they're all profiteering from your fear and vulnerability.


I will guarantee that most people who currently have an IVA were 'groomed' by the introducer and told how to respond to particular questions, enabling them to sign up to an IVA they knew and understood nothing about, simply can't afford and that will potentially damage at least the next five years of their life.


National Law are helping people every day to take back control of their lives but we need YOUR help to do it.


We intend to shut down as many corrupt introducing companies and insolvency practices as we can, by demonstrating that they operate outside of their regulating bodies' industry protocols, are unethical and causing damage to the very people they SHOULD be helping... YOU!


All we need is for you to get in touch, and let us show you the other, more affordable, quicker solutions to debt management that you were told weren't right for you. They possibly were, but as they don't produce anything like the profits of an IVA, they're just swept under the carpet.


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